39" (1000mm) Extra 330 ARF/PNP

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39" (1000mm) Extra 330 ARF/PNP

Market Price: $249.99
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Kit Version
Quantity (8)

Availability 8 in stock
Weight 55.00 lbs
SKU DW-XCG01-Extra330

This amazing performer will fit assembled in a truck bed easily and will perform all the high energy maneuvers such as: Torque Rolls, Hovers, Precision manevuers, Knife Edge spins, Crankshafts and more....!This bird will perform everything you can throw at it amazingly well and comes at an affordable price in an easily transportable size.

The 39" Extra 330 works well with a 2216 950KV motor that can swing a 11 inch prop with a 30Amp ESC. A 3S 1300-1550 mah battery is ideal for a 7 to 8 minute flight.
Flying weight is super light at only 1.6 lbs (Flying Weight) but the ideal wing design keeps it super sharp and precise.


  • Wing span: 39"
  • All up flying weight: 1.6lbs 
  • Length: 35"
  • Motor: MC2216 950KV
  • ESC: 30A
  • Recommended Prop Size: 11 inch
  • Servos: 25g servo x4

Available as an ARF kit (no electronics) or ARF/PNP (with Motor+ESC+Servo (MC2216 950KV+11inch+30A+25g*4pcs) 

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XQ 4013 digital 6v

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