5.0" Painted CF Spinners

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5.0" Painted CF Spinners

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Color Choice
Quantity (4)

Availability 4 in stock
Weight 0.50 lbs
SKU SP-CF-P-5.0-Red
Manufacturer Redwing RC

5.0" painted carbon fiber spinners!

These are great for putting the finishing touches on your plane and giving it that scale appearance.

Avalable Colors:

  • Orange
  • Blue
  • Light Green
  • Red
  • Yellow
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Fuel Filter

This is a handy break-apart fuel filter with screen for easy cleaning.

A very inexpensive way to ensure you don't suck dirt particles into your engine



GT Power Servo Consistency Tester


GT Power Servo Consistency Master.

With this cool device you can test up to 3 servos at a time for consistency and precision. With the GT Power servo tester you can see how servos react in three different testing modes. Manual, Neutral, and Automatic.


Manual Mode:: Turn



Bob Smith Industries Insta-Set

Untitled Document


Bob Smith Industries Insta-Set


INSTA-SET™ is a catalyst which acts as an accelerator that allows CAs to quickly cure in thick layers by enhancing the alkaline conditions during polymerization. INSTA-SET™ in a spray bottle is normally used to cure the CA

