Redwing 3S Lipo Batteries
Redwing 3S Lipos Batteries avaliable in 650, 1300, 1800, 2200 and 2800 mah. The 3s 11.1V 650mAh LiPo Battery w/XT-30 connector. Specifically designed for the OMP M2 family of helicopters, and Logo 200 helicopter. Perfect dimensions, and higher C rating for incredible performance! These batteries are lightweight with a high density of energy and low internal resistance. Lipo batteries have a long life and will provide the power you need when you need it. These batteries have the XT60 connector, JR connector, and JST-XH Balance Lead. The 650mah battery has XT30 connector and balance lead only. Specifications:
Redwing RC 25C 3S 2200mAh LiPo battery suitable for 450 size helicopter, Glider and EPP. The 3s 11.1V 650mAh LiPo Battery w/XT-30 connector. Specifically designed for the OMP M2 family of helicopters, and Logo 200 helicopter. ****Batteries must ship surface mail due to hazmat restrictions and have been taking longer to reach destination****Express and Priority mail are not an option for surface ground mail. |
Special offers for this product are available! | |||||||||||
XQ 4013 digital 6v
Throttle Arm Extension (#1)
Universal Throttle Arm Extension (#1) New Throttle Arm! This extension provides extra room between throttle arm and choke arm. Remove the existing throttle arms from the carb and slide this extension arm in place and tighten the set screws.
Throttle Arm Extension (#3)
Universal Throttle Arm Extension (#3) New Throttle Arm! This extension provides extra room between throttle arm and choke arm. Remove the existing throttle arms from the carb and slide this extension arm in place and tighten the set screws.