AR IBEC TELEMETRY IGNITION SWITCHBy popular demand announcing the AR IBEC Tlementry Ignition Switch. A professional quality easy to use Telemetry Ignition Switch with telemetry for RPM and temperature for up to 7 Cylinders. Based on the highly successful ignition switches, we are proud to announce the worlds first IBEC Ignition switch with full telemetry. After speaking with pilots all over the world AR noted the demand for tlemetry data for our expensive engine investment especially for the first few flights. And to have ongoing monitoring to help ensures a longer motor life. AR developed the worlds first Ignition battery elimination (IBEC) kill Switch with full range telemetry for RPM and temperature for up to 7 Cylinders or any other part of your model. With 2 years in development and testing AR engineers developed a complete ignition switching and monitoring solution with complete telemetry for all engines, from single, twin, tripple, quad up to 7 cylinder engines and at a fraction of the cost of other combined ignition and telemetry systems. And it is an All-In-One solution. You simply connect the AR Ignition T-Switch to your receiver or power expander ignition kill channel and you are ready to go. For telemetry you simply connect the supplied receiver cable to the receivers telemetry port. For Spektrum you simply connect the supplied XBus cable to the receives XBus port. AR Ignition T-Switch supports telemtery to Futaba SBus2, Jeti EXBus, JR XBus, Spektrum XBus and FRSky SPort radios. AR Ignition T-Switch comes with a single temperature probe sensor (included) and pilots can add as many as necessary for your multi-cylinder engine. Up to 7 temperature probe inputs are available to measure cylinder temperature or any other part of your model like cockpit temperature etc. The AR Ignition T-Switch measures temperature from 30 to 300 degrees C. The AR Ignition T-Switch also comes with an Ignition Battery Elimination Circuit (IBEC) LR providing a fully filtered ignition output that eliminates possible noise coming in from the ignitiion system. The result is no need for an ignition battery! Simply connect AR Ignition T-Switch directly to your receiver or power expander ignition channel and you are ready to go.
Download instructions for the Ignition T-Switch
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